Data logger information is automatically stored into Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). Amazon provides a data storage service through a web service interface and API solution thanks to its S3 service. Before the beginning of the secondment, TESAF solution used official Amazon S3 service in order to store and work with data loggers files.
Although Amazon provides good cloud computing solutions at affordable prices, in terms of scalability is better to avoid any kind of vendor lock-in. That’s it, even if Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure or Google cloud computing solutions are easy to configure and set up, where possible is better to avoid lock-in with them.
One of the main tasks of the secondment was to move existing Amazon S3 solution to an open source compatible service called MinIO. This task was focused on the researching and comparison of available open sources services and the transfer of knowledge to TESAF department.
Multiple Python scripts were delivered so data logger files stored both in MinIO or Amazon S3 repository could be managed using a Python scripting solution. In addition to migrate existing Amazon S3 solution to an open source service called MinIO, a step by step documentation was delivered and some meetings were organized with TESAF team so they could understand how to use and set-up a MinIO server.
Delivered documentation will help university technical staff to set-up a MinIO server in their own data centre servers so they could use it for free and without limitation instead of paying Amazon S3 services prices.